Empowerment for Immigrants
As an Immigrant in the United States, you possess a powerful strength within you.
My mission is to help you tap into that strength and make the most of it, so you can build the life you truly deserve.
Tune into this podcast if you are ready to grow, improve, and make progress that feels fullfilling!
32 episodes
I can't believe I didn't hear about this sooner...
My wonderful fellow immigrant, did you ever think about the consequences of going through the difficulties in your life? We all sometimes feel tired and overwhelmed, so today I want to remind you of the immens...
Season 1
Episode 31

What if you loved yourself like a PRO? Special episode for women.
What if… What if your life experience was better? What if you knew how to love yourself? Hey there my immigrant friend, How is your life going?Are you happy to be alive? Do you wa...
Season 1
Episode 30

From anxiety to confidence. How to network well as an immigrant in The United States.
You are an immigrant living in The United States. You need to network but the idea of going to a place you’ve never been to, meeting strangers, talking to them about your business, terrifies you.I know the feeling.
Season 1
Episode 29

Resilience Against All Odds: Joanna's Story
Join us for an inspiring episode as we welcome Joanna Rakowski, the author of the memoir "Chasing the Daylight." Joanna takes us through her extraordinary journey from being a ballerina in Poland to serving as an interrogator in the US Army. We...
Season 1
Episode 28

3 things I wish we immigrants would do differently
We are immigrants. We are brave and courageous, but we too are humans. We do things that are not always thought through or beneficial for all. In this episode I share with you 3 ideas. What do you think we should be doing differe...
Season 1
Episode 27

5 Steps to Finding Love After Divorce.
In our heart-to-heart with Karolina, we navigate the tricky waters of dating and the dynamics of relationships in the modern world. We talk about: the disappointment that comes with attracting partners who d...
Season 1
Episode 26

12 life lessons learned after almost 20 years in the US.
On January 11th 2005 I landed in New York. As I celebrate this personal milestone, I’m inviting you to join me in a reflection of this challenging and rewarding journey. I share with you 12 key insights… the unexpected les...
Season 1
Episode 25

What to do when you feel stuck?
Have you ever felt trapped in your life? Like... you know you should change, but you just can’t? In this episode I share with how our brains in a bid for survival amplify the fear of change, often leading to stagnation.&nb...
Season 1
Episode 24

From PCOS to Self-Love: Anna Lakomy's Inspiring Transformation
Have you ever considered how the stress of your immigrant journey has impacted your health? Have you ever thought about the connection between your physical health and emotional well being? This episode with Anna Lakomy will reveal ...
Season 1
Episode 23
The best thing to do after visiting your home country.
What happens when you visit your home country? Do you have an amazing time? Do you really enjoy it or are you feeling this underlying anxiety because you know you are gonna have to leave? Is your heart breaking ahead of time? Do you question yo...
Season 1
Episode 22
How to have better self-control with food.
In this podcast episode, I interview Joanna Zajusz, a clinical hypnotherapist and certified coach who helps people with mindset, emotions, spirituality, and nutrition. We discuss the mindset around overeating and weight loss, challenging belief...
Season 1
Episode 21
How to cope with a divorce as an immigrant in America?
Are you an immigrant going through a divorce? Maybe you are already divorced but emotionally and mentally you are still struggling? When a relationship ends, healing can take time. There are things you can do to get through
Season 1
Episode 20
Struggles in a workplace. Immigrant edition.
Do you feel like you must work really hard because as an immigrant you would lose your job first? Do you feel like no matter how hard you work, you will never be successful as Americans?When interacting wi...
Season 1
Episode 19
How to recognize if you have low self value?
Do you ever say to yourself: “Gosh I’m such a loser!”, “Why did I do that? I’m so stupid.”, “I don’t deserve to be happy.” ? Are you having a hard time saying “no” and standing up to others? Setting boundaries?
Season 1
Episode 18
Why is my life so hard?
When you think about yourself and your life, do you feel empowered or sad? Do you feel like you can face whatever it is life throws at you, or are you fearful of what could go wrong? Life is 50/50. Half of it is great ...
Season 1
Episode 17
How to handle heartbreak when leaving your country of origin?
What to do when your heart is breaking into a million pieces because once again you are leaving your country of origin and you don’t know when you will be coming back?During my last trip to Poland I had a chance to experience t...
Season 1
Episode 16
Inspired story of a survivor.
Friend, do you ever feel like you wish your life was different? “Oh if I had it easier everything would have been better?” I want to invite you to listen to the story of my guest, Nary Som Setzer. Her family fled Cambodia during ...
Season 1
Episode 15
How to reach goals faster?
Do you struggle achieving goals? Do you feel like you don’t have a strong will and you can never finish what you’ve started because you get distracted? This episode is for you. I take you through a simple step by step process that takes in c...
Season 1
Episode 14
How to build wealth? Interview with Tess Zigo CFP, CIPA
Do you feel intimidated and unsure where it comes to planning your financial future? Are you simply not sure what to do, because the financial system where you live is very different from the one you’ve grown up with? This interview...
Season 1
Episode 13
How to deal with guilt?
Do you feel guilty about your life choices or about something that happened in the past? As humans we don't walk on water. We are bound to do things we feel guilty about. Yet guilt is not really a useful emotion... It's not li...
Season 1
Episode 12
Own who you are.
How do you feel when you walk into a room full of strangers and you start talking to them? Are you comfortable or really nervous? What's happening in your head?Do you feel worthy enough? Smart enough? Or do you question even your belong...
Season 1
Episode 11
Who is Your Inner Hero?
Let’s talk about the toughest part of your life journey. If you are a first generation immigrant you had to make it work in the country you might have been completely unfamiliar with. Who did you have to become to make it ...
Season 1
Episode 10
Why are you unhappy?
Do you have this constant sense of crankiness going on? Like on a surface things look good:you have a good jobyour kids are healthyyour family is doing wellyou have a good, faithful partner......
Season 1
Episode 9
Inspiration for immigrant mothers & entrepreneurs
Hi everyone,I am excited to share with you the first interview in 2022. I had a chance to talk with Finnish-American artist and designer Karoliina Vella. Karoliina and I met on a plane from Amsterdam to Atlan...
Season 1
Episode 8
How to feel more self confident?
Happy New Year 2022! Want to have more control of your life as you enter this year? Give yourself a higher chance of succeeding? In this episode I share with you why many of us experience a lot of self doubt and how to develop self confidenc...
Season 1
Episode 8